
Veronika Duci
Modaliteti: Psikoterapi psikoanalitike/psikodinamike
Gjuha: Shqip, Anglisht, Greqisht
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Veronika Duci është psikologe dhe psikoterapiste. Në vitin 2016 ka filluar trajnimin afatgjatë në psikoterapinë psikoanalitike të realizuar nga Shoqata Shqiptare e Psikoterapisë në bashkëpunim me Universitetin “Sigmund Freud” (SFU) në Vjenë. Që atëherë ofron psikoterapi individuale për të rritur dhe adoleshentë, këshillim si dhe supervizim individual dhe në grup të stafit të organizatave jofitimprurëse. Ajo është anëtare e Shoqatës Shqiptare për Psikoterapi. Shërbimi që ofron trajton problematika si ankthi, ataku i panikut, depresioni, hipokondriaza, somatizimet, obsesionet dhe kompulsionet, stresi post – traumatik, çrregullime të personalitetit, probleme në marrëdhënie dhe të tjera.
Prof. Duci është pedagoge pranë Deparamentit të Punës dhe Politikës Sociale në Fakultetin e Shkencave Sociale të Universitetit të Tiranës prej vitit 2004. Ajo është diplomuar për Psikologji Klinike në Departamentin e Psikologjisë së Universitetit “Aristoteli” në Greqi. Ka kryer Masterin në “Psikologji Këshillimi” dhe doktoraturën mbi mirëqenien psikosociale të përkujdesësve të pacientëve me sëmundje terminale. Në vitin 2016 ajo mori titullin akademik Profesore e Asociuar. Në eksperiencën e saj akademike përveç mësimdhënies, ajo angazhohet me kërkimin shkencor dhe udhëheqjen e doktorantëve dhe studentëve në kërkimet e tyre shkencore. Ka një eksperiencë të gjatë si eksperte e jashtme në organizata kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare për çështje të ndryshme psiko – sociale, të lidhura me fëmijët, shëndetin mendor, arsimimin, gjininë dhe marrëdhëniet intime dhe tematika të tjera. Prof. Duci ka drejtuar kërkime shkencore në nivel kombëtar dhe nddërkombëtar dhe është autore e artikujve shkencorë në revista të mirë – njohura. Disa nga shkrimet e saj janë të listuara më poshtë.
Associate Professor Veronika Duci is a psychologist and psychotherapist. In 2016 she started a long – term psychoanalytical training provided by the Albanian Association of Psychotherapy and “Sigmund Freud” University in Vienna. Since then, she offers individual psychotherapy for adults and adolescents, counseling and individual and group supervision for staff of non – governmental organizations. She is a member of the Albanian Association of Psychotherapy, Her services include issues like anxiety, panic attacks, depression, hypochondriasis, somatization, obsessions and compulsions, post – traumatic stress, personality disorders, relationship problems and others.
Prof. Duci is also a full – time professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Policy of the Faculty of Social Sciences since 2004. She studied ‘Clinical Psychology” in the Psychology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. She holds a Master’s of Science degree in “Counseling Psychology” and a PhD in psychosocial wellbeing of cancer caregivers. In 2016 she received the academic title “Associated Professor”, by the University of Tirana. During her academic experience besides teaching she has been involved in scientific research and supervision of doctorate candidates and students on their researches. She has a consolidated experience as an independent expert for national and international organizations for different psychosocial issues, related to children and adolescents, mental health, education, gender and intimate relations and other topics. Prof. Duci has led studies at a national and international level and she is an author of original articles in well – known journals. Some of her publications are listed below.
• Adolescents’ mental health and psychosocial wellbeing at schools, UNICEF Uzbekistan, 2023. https://www.unicef.org/uzbekistan/en/search?f=
• Sexual violence and sexual harassment: a situation analysis, AWEN, 2022 https://awenetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Sexual-Violence-and-Sexual-Harassment_2022_compressed-1.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0bxSoSaL1N_weHSc8Cn_LnUwhjyrlM0evufzR6_TF-y1P37RaJtrRrvFI
• Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence among Youth in Albania, including a section on technology – facilitated sexual violence. AWEN, 2021.
Facing the challenges of inclusive education in Albania, UNICEF Albania and ISOP, https://www.unicef.org/albania/2016_ALB_study_report-Facing_the_challenges_of_inclusive-education.pdf
• Analysis of Social Work Curriculum in Albania focusing on social services (2021), Department of Social Work and Social Policy
• Strategic Policy Analysis in Western Balkans and Turkey: ECD and Primary Education, Roma Education Fund, 2022. https://www.academia.edu/69898312/Strategic_Policy_Analysis_in_Western_Balkans_and_Turkey_ECD_and_Primary_Education
• Strategic Regional Policy Analysis in Western Balkans and Turkey: Secondary, Tertiary Education and Employability, Roma Education Fund, 2022.
• Child Notice: Albania 2021, UNICEF Geneva, https://www.unicef.org/albania/media/4601/file/Albania%20Child%20Notice%202021.pdf
• Evaluation of UNICEF Country Programme 2017 – 2021, UNICEF in Albania, https://www.unicef.org/albania/documents/evaluation-unicef-albania-country-programme-2017-2021
• Regional Study on the “Prevalence of Street Children Phenomenon in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia”,
• Youth in Albania (Ardhmeria Association in collaboration with Department of Social Work and Social Policy),
• Homeland (dis)integration: educational experience, children and return migration to Albania
International Migration (Impact Factor: 0.679), DOI: 10.1111/imig.12230
• Making other dreams: the impact of migration on the psychosocial wellbeing of the Albanian – origin children and young people upon their families’ return to Albania” Childhood, 1-16, Sage publications, http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0907568214566078?journalCode=chda
• Psychological distress, social support, and quality of life among cancer caregivers in Albania. Psycho – oncology, (impact factor 2.443) Journal of psychological, social and behavioural dimensions of cancer, DOI: 10.1002/pon.4081
• Quality of life in a cancer caregivers sample in Albania. Albanian Medical Journal, 3. http://albanianmedicaljournal.com/index.php/17-albanian-medical-journal-2014-3/135-quality-of-life-in-a-cancer-caregivers-sample-in-albania.
• Psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in the Albanian context. Bulletin of “Aleksander Xhuvani” University, Elbasan
- veronicaduci@gmail.com
- 00355684027060
- http://www.psikologe-terapiste.com/